Bollywood star and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut recently revealed her interaction with Wayanad Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra regarding her upcoming film Emergency Movie. Directed and headlined by Kangana, the film narrates the significant events during India’s 1975 Emergency under the leadership of then-Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, who is also Vadra’s grandmother.
Speaking to the media, Kangana shared a memorable moment she had with Priyanka Gandhi in Parliament. Vadra complimented her work and even her hairstyle during their brief exchange. Seizing the opportunity, Kangana introduced her Emergency Movie and personally invited Vadra to watch it. “She said, ‘Okay, maybe,’” Kangana revealed, adding, “If they have a little bit of acceptance for what has been, they might appreciate the film.”
About Emergency Movie
Set for release on January 17, Emergency Movie explores the 21-month period between 1975 and 1977 when India was under a state of Emergency. The film offers a compelling narrative of one of the most significant and controversial eras in Indian political history.
In the movie, Kangana Ranaut portrays Indira Gandhi with striking intensity. The cast includes:
- Anupam Kher as Jayaprakash Narayan, a leading political figure during the Emergency.
- Shreyas Talpade as a young Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
- Milind Soman as Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw.
- Mahima Choudhary as Pupul Jayakar.
- The late Satish Kaushik as Jagjivan Ram.
Backed by Zee Studios, Emergency Movie is produced by Renu Pitti and Kangana herself. The screenplay, written by Ritesh Shah, and music composed by Sanchit Balhara, add depth and drama to the cinematic experience.
Anupam Kher Praises Kangana’s Vision
For Kangana Ranaut, casting veteran actor Anupam Kher as Jayaprakash Narayan in Emergency Movie was crucial. She shared, “It was very important for me to have Anupam ji in this film. If he had refused, I wouldn’t have made it. His natural honesty on-screen perfectly embodies Jayaprakash Narayan.”
Anupam Kher expressed his admiration for Kangana’s directorial skills, calling her “one of the finest directors” he’s worked with. He remarked, “I was in the National School of Drama when the Emergency was declared. Kangana’s extensive research made my role effortless. This will undoubtedly be one of the most significant films on a political subject.”
A Must-Watch Political Drama
Despite facing controversies, including challenges with censor certification and accusations of misrepresentation, Emergency Movie is a labor of love and dedication for Kangana Ranaut and her team. As the film’s release date approaches, excitement continues to build, making Emergency Movie a must-watch for history enthusiasts and cinephiles alike.
Mark your calendars for January 17—Emergency Movie is ready to captivate audiences with its powerful storytelling and stellar performances.