Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant

History Of Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant:

Why Did People Protest Against Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant?

Protest Against Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant

1. Fear Of Nuclear Accident

2. Environmental concerns

3. Impact on employment and livelihood

4. Lack Of Knowledge

When Did The Protests End?

  • In an effort to scatter protestors, the administration sent out large police units, which occasionally resulted in arrests and violent incidents.
  • In May 2013, the Indian Supreme Court declared that the plant was both safe and essential for meeting the nation’s electricity demands. With this legal support, the government was able to move on with the project.
  • The Kudankulam plant’s first reactor was put into service in October 2013 in spite of the demonstrations. This was a watershed moment since the government declared that the plant would go into operation in spite of resistance from the local community.

What Was The Result Of the Protests?

  • The demonstrations raised awareness of nuclear safety, environmental effects, and local people’ worries about large-scale infrastructure projects on a national and international level.
  • The government and plant administrators informed the public that the facility had stricter safety measures, even though the plant was eventually put into service. In part in reaction to public concerns, there was a greater emphasis on safety inspections and communication regarding catastrophe preparedness.
  • The distrust between the government and the local communities grew as a result of the protests. Locals have a persistent sense of dissatisfaction because many believed that their issues were not sufficiently addressed.
  • The Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant has grown to be one of India’s biggest nuclear power plants in operation in spite of the demonstrations. Several units have been brought online after the first unit went online in 2013.

Current Status and Capacity of Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant

1. Unit 1

2. Unit 2

3. Future Plans